I have 1 up on that!

Check out my collection of crazy JavaScript wrappers. Including modified versions of Justin Palmer's stuff.

I made a pretty slick pref for the function popup/window.

For best effect use one of my Brilliance themes to have proper fancy hilighting and whatnot.

Checkout what the prototype.js file looks like in my Javascript + Prototype Bracketed language syntax.

I also have code completion for a lot of prototype stuff (just the esc to rotate through, not a slick dropdown or anything). Planning on adding more, whenever i have to work in Js for a while i guess i'll do it.

On May 12, 2006, at 2:22 PM, Andrew Dupont wrote:

Justin Palmer's Vibrant Ink bundle [1] includes a small syntax addon for this sort of construct.  With his blessing, I've made tentative plans to move some of this into the main JavaScript bundle.  Someday.  Meanwhile, you can use his.

[1] http://encytemedia.com/blog/articles/2006/01/03/textmate-vibrant-ink-theme-and-prototype-bundle

Andrew Dupont

On May 12, 2006, at 11:39 AM, Aparajita Fishman wrote:


I would like to suggest the following enhancement to the Javascript syntax:

{    name = 'meta.function.js';
    comment = 'match stuff like: foobar: function() { … }';
    match = '^\s*\b([a-zA-Z_?\.$]+\w*):\s+\b(function)?\s*\((.*?)\)';
    captures =
    {    1 = { name = 'entity.name.function.js'; };
        2 = { name = 'storage.type.function.js'; };
        3 = { name = 'variable.parameter.function.js'; };

Since the common style in a lot of Javascript libraries (like Prototype/scriptaculous) is to define functions like this:

var Enumerable = {
   each: function(iterator) {
       // body

   all: function(iterator) {
       // body

The above rule correctly highlights these definitions and also includes their names in the function popup.


thomas Aylott—subtleGradient—oblivious@subtleGradient.com