Thanks Allan, that helped get to the bottom of it. I had a stray openssl in my PATH in rbenv shims because (I think) of having installed MagLev Ruby. Having removed it I have a newly compiled version of TM2 opening up - well after one 'ninja scm/coerce'.

Do most people use this edge version for day-to-day work out of interest?

On 15 July 2013 00:42, Allan Odgaard <> wrote:
On 13 Jul 2013, at 14:13, Richard Drake wrote:

textmate(master) $ ./configure
make: ***
Error 127

The failing line would be this (which you can try to re-run):

   DST=build/Frameworks/SoftwareUpdate/fixtures make -C Frameworks/SoftwareUpdate/fixtures

Although it’s invoking a (small) Makefile, so you’d have to dig into that, to find the exact thing which is failing.

You can add ‘-n’ to ‘make’ to see what it calls.


/bin/sh: line 1: 33977 Segmentation fault: 11

Got another error in trying again so googled and did:

textmate(master) $ ninja scm/coerce

Normally it would fail if you lack ‘hg’ — but missing SCM commands shouldn’t produce segfaults.

textmate(master) $ ninja SoftwareUpdate/coerce
[1/1] Skip test

which got me to:
[8/26] Run test

The SoftwareUpdate/coerce target should cause the test to be skipped, that said, the test is failing because you lack the fixtures, which are missing because ./configure failed.

It’s the first time I hear of someone with ./configure failing to generate the fixtures, so I don’t know what would cause it, but openssl is used in the process, so perhaps you have some non-standard version of that.

Adding ‘-n’ to the make invocation above and then running the commands manually should help track down the problem.

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