In the File Browser sidebar when I open a "project" (a directory), TextMate always shows the same state where some directories are expanded (to multiple levels) and others are not. Is there any rhyme or reason about why TextMate remembers this particular state?

It's a bother to have to close things up each time I open a project.

 I would even be happy with the File Browser starting with no directories open.

I've tried doing

defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview disableFolderStateRestore -bool YES

but that seems to have no effect.

I've tried opening or closing some "tabs" (open files) and then closing the project.  That has no effect.

I'm on Mac OS X 10.11.4.  TextMate version 2.0-beta.9.

BTW, after recently upgrading to the above version of TextMate (from previous beta version), the problem was solved for a while, but now it is happening again.
