Hi there,

I 've just found a post like this:
I didn't know where else to ask this question. If I purchase a single licenses for TextMate can I use it on a
Desktop and a Laptop? (As long as I'm not using them at the same time?) I ask this question because I believe
it was true with the Office 2004 Student and Teacher Edition license.
Allan answered:
Yes -- it's a personal license, so as long as you are the user or  
TextMate is running on your machine, everything is fine (needs to put  
that somewhere on the site :) ).

but I need to know if I can use textmate on my laptop at work? I got a personal MacBook at home and a company's MacBook Pro at work and both would running textmate nut not at the same time and only used by me.

I know... 39 EUR are not expensive for this mighty mighty editor but If I can save money... :-)



PS: Good work, Allan :-)