On 4/5/07, Charilaos Skiadas <skiadas@hanover.edu> wrote:
It's basically the viewer we are suggesting at the moment (once I
update the help file that is). It has the advantages of TeXniscope
along with some other ones of its own, and works on Intels much better.
> I thought it might be useful to have the option of using a
> different previewer for watching than for 'Typeset & View', but
> perhaps no one would ever want to do that. At the very least, it
> could be an undocumented option, and we could say that the
> recommended way to change the viewer is to set TM_LATEX_VIEWER.
Yeah we could have it as an undocumented option.
> Because of the non-standard name, I didn't realise this was an
> official configuration option. If it is, I agree that the name
> should be changed!
Well it's semi-official ;) Supporting pstricks and the dvi->ps->pdf
route is relatively new and hasn't settled in much. So TEX_PSTRICKS
was really at that point just an internal variable defined within the
LaTeX&View command, not supposed to be settable by the user really.
I wonder if it is necessary at all. Is that really different than
setting the TS-program to "latex" instead of "pdflatex"?
I guess this is the question: Should the user have to specify
anything else other than whether they want pdflatex or latex->dvi->ps-
>pdf ? Ideally one variable should do the trick, and even that
should only be needed rarely.
Hm, that's a bug in the way we do these things currently I would say,
the %!TEX directive should probably be taking precedence. Basically
the whole setting sniffing method in the Typeset&View command needs a
good cleanup. It has been patched so many times that it is somewhat
inefficient/buggy atm.
Yes I meant to make the binary available somewhere, and then link to
it from the documentation. I was thinking of someone's webpage. I can
put it on my blog somewhere, or you can host in on your homepage.
> GPL.
Then I am not sure we can actually include it in a bundle that ships
with TM, or include it at all for that matter. Can we?