Your regexes in no way resemble the code example. Back and forward slashes do not match each other. Plain if is never followed by closing curly brace. m. 

Yeah I really messed up that example
I'd changed the code and the regexp halfway through posting

Sent from my iPad, but I am not a dork. Really.
matt neuburg, phd =
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 9!
iOS 9 Fundamentals!

On Oct 14, 2015, at 5:38 AM, Carpii UK <> wrote:

Im trying to add code folding regular expressions for a templating language I use 

Even if I pare it back to the most basic of examples, I cant seem to get it working..

{if (true)}

foldingStartMarker = '^\{if\}';
foldingStopMarker = '^\{\\if\}';

If I omit the closing } from the first line of code...

{if (true)

Then TM does show the code folding marker (odd since the regexp should require it?), but either way the code still doesn't fold 

What am I missing?


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