@koen; If I understand, you may be looking for this thread; http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/TxMt-Fw-quot-Document-did-change-quot-and-access-to-the-current-document-in-a-bundle-td30518.html

Particularly the parts from Alan.

There’s a link in there that 404s because it points to a preview version of the Markdown Preview.plist, here’s that same link now thats been merged with the rest of the component https://github.com/textmate/markdown.tmbundle/blob/master/Commands/Markdown%20preview.plist#L5

IIRC you should use Xcode for modifying plists.


Graham Heath

On December 7, 2016 at 1:25:54 AM, George McGinley Smith (george@gsgd.co.uk) wrote:

Pretty sure Bundle Editor is a WIP and anything missing is likely due to that

On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 at 18:30 Koen Punt <koen@koenpunt.nl> wrote:
Bundle commands support autoRefresh, but the option isn't exposed in the bundle editor.

Is this a known issue or an intentional limitation of the bundle editor?

– Koen

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