Ben: Any update on this?

On 1 Aug 2019, at 14:45, Allan Odgaard wrote:

On 29 Jul 2019, at 13:31, Ben Ubois wrote:

So far I have tried:
- Granting "Full Disk Access" to TextMate in System Preferences ->
Security & Privacy -> Privacy
- Uninstalling and reinstalling `mate`

Please let me know if there's any more information I can provide.

OS version and the output from running these lines in a terminal:

ls -l /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.macromates.auth_server.plist
ls -l /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.macromates.auth_server
/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.macromates.auth_server --version
sudo sqlite3 /var/db/auth.db 'SELECT * FROM rules_history WHERE rule LIKE "com.macromates.textmate%"'

After this, try re-install the privileged helper tool using this command:

sudo /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.macromates.auth_server --uninstall

A new authenticated save should automatically re-install it, so try sudo mate (or regular mate) after this, to see if the issue has been solved.

Even if you do get it working, I would like the output from the above steps, as ideally the user should not need to manually re-install the helper. I assume though the auth database have lost TextMate’s policy, possibly during OS upgrade.