On 14 Sep 2016, at 16:17, Matt Neuburg wrote:

Could this possibly be your script?
That process in Activity Monitor is ruby. After a couple of hours of work I can end up with several copies of ruby in Activity Monitor, and that's when the fans get so loud that I realize something is up.

But your script is written in ruby, right? Given that you can close the HTML output window, it does sound like your script is the one sticking around.

Do you use threads or fork in your script?

You should be able to see what parameters are given to the ruby process that stuck around, perhaps not in Activity Monitor, but from a terminal try run:

ps aux|grep ruby

Another very useful command is pstree but this is an optional install (e.g. brew install pstree).

What I'm wondering is whether something changed about how the ruby script runner works. m.

I don’t see anything that could cause this.