
  I would like to report a minor bug.  When editing a *.rb file, text in
quotations (double or single) appears green.  I think there must be a parser
in TextMate that detects quotes, which sets off some flag indicating that
we're within quotes, which then causes that text to be displayed as green.
However, I think instead of detecting all quotes to set off the flag, Allan
should detect non-escaped quotes.

For example,
 open("http://www.myspace.com/").read.match /<form action=\"(.*?)\"/

# Code from here on down appears green as though it were still within quotes
even though it was an escaped quote inside of a regular expression context.

  Okay, that's my two-cent contribution to the world.  I hope it really is
worth at least two cents.

  Great program!  Keep up the great work!

  David :)
