On one of my two machines, TextMate 2 silently fails to load a number of bundles. The LaTeX bundle was the first culprit I noticed.

As is visible here, it purports to be installed, but does not appear in the file mode popup:


(Similarly, if I select the LaTeX bundle when prompted on first opening a .tex file, the sheet stalls forever with a full progress bar and the window never renders the contents of the file.)

A few related oddities:

- A string of logged errors which seem to relate to the bundle installation

12/25/11 4:01:18.309 PM [0x0-0xd10d1].com.macromates.TextMate.preview: *** swap_and_unlink(‘/var/folders/b0/j00c1y2j07ncwjgr2kmfw6bc0000gn/T/TextMate_dl_save_filter.BOPNSn’ → ‘/Users/jrk/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Cache/org.textmate.updates.default’): No such file or directory
12/25/11 4:09:41.050 PM [0x0-0x35035].com.macromates.TextMate.preview: error with swap_and_unlink: /var/folders/b0/j00c1y2j07ncwjgr2kmfw6bc0000gn/T/TextMate_dl_bytes.omR0lQ → /Users/jrk/Library/Caches/com.macromates.TextMate/Bundles/LaTeX (2011-11-13).tbz

- Installing the LaTeX bundle on this machine automatically installs Java and JavaDoc first, and R after. On my other machine (with a largely identical configuration, but where this works), it installs one or two random, seemingly unrelated dependencies, but not all three. (In particular, it didn't seem to install the R bundle.)

This happens on a bare guest account, after wiping all settings and caches, rebooting, etc., and happens identically in all 3 alpha builds I have seen since the release.
