Allan, I'm referring to the HTML5.tmbundle hiding the HTML.tmbundle.  Thus, the rule here is to create and update Textmate bundles within the Bundle Editor and not outside of it.


On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Allan Odgaard <> wrote:
On 9 Jan 2010, at 01:36, Conrad Taylor wrote:

I have an issue where a 3rd party Textmate bundle is hiding a standard
bundle.  Next, I have tried changing the uuid of root .plist [...]

If it hides a standard bundle it is either designed to eclipse it or broken (in the way that the author didn’t ensure proper new UUIDs, it happens occasionally when people take existing bundles and edit them outside the bundle editor and release as “new” stuff).

You shouldn’t really fix this yourself, instead point it out to the bundle author and/or let us know which bundle you are referring to.

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