There are one last step for TM - load it instead of Finder, as shell ;)
Any bundles for doing that?

I'm shocked what TM (with help of gurus) can do!

On Dec 27, 2007 8:24 PM, Sven Fuchs <> wrote:
Dear TextMate gods, dear everybody else :)

I've been notified that my my Taskmate bundle has been added to the
review directory:

Since the first announcement to this list quite some work has been
done on this bundle. We've been able to track down some bugs, added
some new features and tweaked everything according to the great
feedback of both Michael Sheet and early adopting users.

I've put together a list of the changes in the changelog:

Even at this early stage I'd like to say thank you to Michael for
doing an amazing job as a review gatekeeper and Nigel Green, who
attentively tested every single move I made, provided lots of feedback
and additional code as well as even a complete help file.

Now we are eagerly awaiting to get bashed down by you folks for any
glitches and mistakes in order to make this bundle even better :)


PS: For information about what Taskmate does please refer to the
bundled help file or the project page at

sven fuchs            
artweb design 
grünberger 65           + 49 (0) 30 - 47 98 69 96 (phone)
d-10245 berlin          + 49 (0) 171 - 35 20 38 4 (mobile)

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