Yes I'm using C as language, in this bundle I have following commands:
- Quick Open
- Compile Single File to Tool
- Insert Missing Includes
- Insert Call to Constructors
- C Library Completations

and now I'm  searching a command for build & run.

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:30 PM, Takaaki Kato <> wrote:

On Sep 26, 2008, at 7:17 PM, Sebastian Arns wrote:

> Hello List,
> I am new on this list and here is my first question to TM: I've
> started to learn programming with C. of course, I want to use TM as
> editor because of my positive experiences with the LaTex bundle. now
> i've the problem with compiling the source code. everytime pushing
> cmd+r, I get the error: "no xcode project available" so I compile
> the c-files manually with the terminal. that is not very comfortable;)
> my question is, if there is a way that I push cmd+r, TM runs the gcc
> in the background und execute the file in the terminal
> automatically? and if there is a source error TM jumps to the
> specific line? my current version of TM is 1.5.7 (1464).
> thanks a lot for your help.

Do you set your language to C in TextMate? C bundle has a command for
Run and another for compiling to a tool. Have you tried these commands?

You can't use Objective-C mode. You simply need C.

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