I'm not sure I understand your English perfectly, but it sounds like you're suggesting that the gutter not be included in the horizontal scroll area.  If so, I second that.  Though, given the limited amount I know about Cocoa's scroller system, I'll bet this would be really difficult to implement.  It would be really nice, though to always be able to see the gutter.


On 2/21/07, Niels Kobschätzki <n.kobschaetzki@googlemail.com> wrote:

I've got here some code with very long lines thus vertical scrolling
is necessary, while I scroll the line-numbers and folding-markers are
disappearing. Imho it would be better if those aren't disappearing
meaning that the vertical scroll-bar is only for the text-area while
the horizantal one is for line-numbers etc and text-area.
Do other ppl think the same?


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