On Apr 23, 2007, at 9:38 PM, Jacob Rus wrote:

Methnen (AKA Jamie) wrote:

On Apr 23, 2007, at 3:23 PM, Methnen (AKA Jamie) wrote:

I'm digging Inconsolata these days anyway.

Checking out Inconsolata and I can say my only real complaint is that the 0 character doesn't have any hint to distiquish it from an O beyond the difference in character width.  I would guess thats an area of preference though it makes a big difference for me.  Especially when reading someone else's code where I don't already know what was typed necessarily.

Yeah, slashed (or dotted) 0 is a must for a code font.  It's too bad because otherwise Inconsolata is great, especially printed.

Sometimes cute wins over sense.
Just don't tell that to my Daughters :P

thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors