For those of you adventurous enough to be using the Latex bundle from the subversion repository I wanted to let you know that has had a significant upgrade, as has the integration of latexmk with the Latex bundle.
For those of you that do not know, latexmk is a perl script that runs latex/bibtex/makeindex at the appropriate times and places to make sure your document, and all citations, cross references, and index entries are up to date and properly typeset. The latest version of latexmk now supports more packages like multibib and some glossary packages, and seems generally better able to handle complex documents.
The latex bundle is now smart enough to tell latexmk to use alternative versions of latex (xelatex for example) and is smart enough to tell latexmk to to generate a dvi file --> ps --> pdf when you are using pstricks or other packages. In addition any extra options you add in preferences or through a %!TEX directive are passed on to latexmk.
Go ahead, check the box.
Brad Miller
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Luther College