sure, I want to insert


where the second 0 should be inserted as text. The wouraround would be $0``0. Unfortunately, I was not able to create an easy where the text flashes on insertion, this only occurs when I use the following Perl script, which I use to move the caret forward on hitting return inside LaTeX inline equations (see the screenshot for the whole bundle editor entry).

#!/usr/bin/env perl
if($tmp2=~/^[0-9]/){$tmp2 = "``".$tmp2}
print $tmp1."\$"."0".$tmp2;

On 24.09.2008, at 10:12, Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:

On 24.09.2008, at 09:56, Christoph Wockel wrote:

Hello everyone,

if I insert a snippet with a tabstop, which is immediately followed by
a number (without any white spaces in between), the number gets
interpreted as belonging to the tabstop. Is there a way to aviod this?

I want to put the caret to an arbitrary location of a (script
generated) replaced text, which might be inside a number block. The
solution I have is to put a pair of backticks before the number, but
then the inserted text flashes on insertion, so it does not seem to be
the correct way to solve this.

Could you please post an example?


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