Agree it would be nice if the symbol window was synched. Rather than dock it, I'd rather it reflected the front most window.

On 27 Jun 2013 10:19, "Ken Snyder" <> wrote:
I love navigating classes with the Go To Symbol ⌘T dialog. So much so, in fact, that I now have started keeping it open all the time so that I have quicker access but also to just give me context of all the methods available in the class. 

That said, I've noticed that as you modify the file -- while keeping the Go To Symbol dialog open -- the symbol links become out of sync and the only way I know of to fix this is to close it and then re-open it. Is this something that could be automatically kept up-to-date? If not, is there a hotkey to refresh it? 

Finally, as I've started to keep this window open I started thinking of things I'd love to see added if possible:
  • Docking. Could this window not be docked into the same location as the file explorer? If this were done well it could be really nice.
  • Public/Private/Protected. If there were some subtle but always-on font distinctions between access modifiers this could be quite useful. I'd love to also see "static" called out in some way but obviously don't want to clutter the font palette too much.
  • Signature Balloons. If you held your cursor over a method it would be nice to see the signature of that method. This would save a lot of toing and frowing in a file. 

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