One more question,

What LaTeX command are you using to typeset your document?  When I removed a \end{frame} from my own beamer file and ran it through I got a different error message, but in a format that I look for:

./Beamer/treeApps.tex:7: Argument of \frame has an extra }.

Specifically, the script assumes that file:line:error style messages are enabled...  That does not look like it is true in your case.


Brad Miller
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Luther College

On 7/14/07, Christoph Eyrich <> wrote:

On Jul 13, 2007, at 4:22 PM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:

> Indeed, if errors are ignored it is definitely a bug in the script

here's a short example from he log-file:

! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
\endbeamer@frameslide ...amer@framepauses}\egroup
\beamer@frametitle \@...
l.1738 \end{frame}

! Emergency stop.

in the source code, \end{frame} is missing. the script ignores this
problem completely and produces/shows a pdf-file up to the previous


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