Le 18 nov. 08 à 21:36, Alex Ross a écrit :

Updating to cutting edge is not enough.  You have to ⌥+Click (Option
+Click) the “Check now” button in the Software Update prefpane.   
This downloads a special TM build that corrects a bug with the way  
TextMate puts Shell Variables into the environment.  After this,  
setting “PATH” in the Shell Variables section of preferences is  


With 1.5.7 I 've no problem but with 1.5.8 i've the same error :

Please add the directory containing “kpsewhich” to PATH in
TextMate's Shell

I don't understand : setting "PATH" in the Shell Variables

I have kpsewhich here : /usr/local/texlive/2008/bin/universal-darwin/kpsewhich

and my path is 

Mundus:~ ego$ echo $PATH

I need some help, please

Best Regards
