On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:36 PM, Luke Daley <ld@ldaley.com> wrote:

On 28/05/2008, at 10:29 AM, Rick wrote:

For editing xml, I'm really missing a clickable outliner of the xml document that lets me easily jump to different nodes. I know TextMate isn't an IDE but I would love this functionality (it's in jedit as well as part of the sidekick plugin.) Here's a screen shot of Eclipse's outline view of an xml document http://img.skitch.com/20080528-f34dyh22e7sm7j7h218ymaqtxm.jpg

It doesn't look like xmlMate bundle has this kind of functionality. Does it exist in some other bundle out there?

What would you want to do with this view of the data once you have it?

Jump to the node I'm interested in by clicking on the node in the outline view - it's the reason such a view exists in every IDE that I know of. I have some large XML files I have to deal with it and it makes it easy to jump around when I have an outline view of the nodes.