1. no matter use command line: 
    mate Packet.c
    or File -> Open to open this file.
    maybe something to do with utf8 text.
    the crash log is also upload automatically by the software: https://api.textmate.org/crashes/232914
  2. Expected result

    it shouldn’t crash!
  3. Actual result


  4. Environment

    OS version----mac osx 10.9.2
    TextMate version---mate 2.6 (2014-03-31 revision 9529)  or TextMate 2.0-alpha.9529 is the latest version available—you have version 2.0-alpha.9529.
    Hardward—macbook air 2012 Mid 11-inch
    I've deleted related files in ~/Library/ and test the default setting, It still crash, so I’m sure it’s a bug of Textmate itself, not bundles.