On Jan 31, 2007, at 9:51 AM, Rob McBroom wrote:
On Jan 31, 2007, at 12:50 AM, Garance A Drosehn wrote:
What I want is my tab-intent to be a soft-tab (using blanks) at 4
spaces, but I also want hard-tabs (using the actual tab character) to
be used for 8 spaces.  So, if I tab once I want four spaces, if I tab
twice then I want a single tab character, and with three tabs I want a
tab-character followed by four spaces.

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can have TextMate do this for you just by altering settings.

You could probably create a command that goes through your document and replaces 8 spaces with a tab character. To get even fancier, you could probably create a command that does this and saves the document and bind this command to ⌘S, so when you save the file, it gets formatted the way you want.

I'm not sure if TextMate will let you use Tab as a key equivalent for a command, but if so, you could make it even more automated (probably what you want) by having it do a search/replace on the current line every time you hit the Tab key. This might screw up the cursor position though.

Rob McBroom
I didn't "switch" to Apple... my OS did.

Ya. It's Tabs or spaces. no mixing.
Don't bother trying to write a tmCommand for this since you'd break snippet placer stuff and open up a whole can of trouble and pain for yourself.
I recommend using tabs at 4 and just using two of them in some places.

If you already have documents that assume 4spaces + 8wide tabs, you can switch to using all tbs by setting it to use 8wide soft tabs(spaces), use the convert tabs to spaces action o convert all your 8 wide tabs to 8spaces, 
then switch to hard tabs at 4width and convert spaces to tabs.

thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg