>From <http://interconnected.org/home/2007/05/20/plain_text_wiki
- Make a new text file, and save it in a new, empty directory as
'IndexPage.txt'. It's easiest to use this directory as a project--close
the text file, and drag the directory icon onto TextMate.
- In the project window, open IndexPage.txt and make notes as normal
(set the language to 'Wiki' in the bottom bar, if it's not that
already). WikiWords appear underlined. With a cursor over it or at the
end, hit enter to open this page in the project window. If it doesn't
exist, it's created as WikiWords.txt in the project directory.
- Hit shift+ctrl+i to return to IndexPage.
And I never noticed the experimental wiki bundle.
On 23.05.2007, at 15:45, Jacob Rus wrote:
> Eric Knapp wrote:
>> I think it's cool too. I am already using it and I'm starting to
>> think of
>> more ways to use it. What are some uses people are coming up with?
>> I'm
>> starting with a work and time log for my summer Rails contract.
> >
>> Mike Mellor:
>>> This is so cool -
>>> < http://interconnected.org/home/2007/05/20/plain_text_wiki>
>>> It's a tool that I have wanted to have in TextMate, and it also
>>> reinforces just how flexible TextMate can be!
> You guys never saw the experimental wiki bundle in svn?
No. I just activated the bundle and tried the "Show Wiki" command. It
gives me a blank page. What does it do? How does it work?
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