Hi everyone,
once again, I have a (from my point of view) great Idea, but since I do not know how to
program it I am sharing my thoughts with you.
I use TextMate a lot for Fortran those days, and markdown, so in those two "languages" I
know the shortcuts quite well.
Now I start using TextMate to write Latex and I do not know all those shortcuts I might need.
So here is the request:
Wouldn't it be nice to have a floating window (i.e. the one you get in iPhoto to adjust contrast...)
showing the contents of the bundle menu on the bottom of the textwindow? (maybe one could
also click the items and the bundle item will be activated).
Of course it is much more efficient to trigger the bundle action by the shortcut but during the learning
phase and/or for not so often used actions it would be a help.
Just some thoughts