Thanks for the very helpful advice!
I just commented out the lines in /etc/profile that call path_helper.
Then, I put paths directly in my .bashrc file.  
This fixed the problem with 'mate' from the terminal, now it launches without hanging.
By the way, the path_helper was also apparently the problem with the extremely slow
launch of another app I used to use, aquamacs.


On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 6:04 PM, Allan Odgaard <> wrote:
On 19 May 2008, at 21:53, Steven Martin wrote:

OK, After I run 'mate' from Apple Terminal application (ver 2.0.1), and the
application hangs, here is the log of output using 'sample TextMate 10':
Analysis of sampling TextMate (pid 88957) every 1 millisecond

I fear what you see is a performance bug with Leopard's /etc/profile.

When you launch TM, it will ask you if you want to install the 'mate' shell command. To get suggested installation locations it runs a shell script that sources amongst others /etc/profile (to get your normal PATH to use as hint).

Unfortunately /etc/profile has a call to /usr/libexec/path_helper which is exponential in the length of the PATH variable.

So you get the problem when launching TM from the shell presumably because the PATH there are significantly longer than launching e.g. from Finder.

I think if you update to cutting edge, the problem may have been avoided by only calling the shell script when necessary otherwise you will need to either disable the call to path_helper in /etc/profile or try pick Help ”ę Terminal Usage”¦ and re-install mate, so that TM records in the preferences, that this helper is already installed©ö.

©ö The process might be something like, TM not seeing in preferences that you installed the mate shell command, then collecting install paths, checking these to see if 'mate' is already there, and if so, bypass the dialog. So not seeing the dialog on startup is not necessarily indicative of TM having recorded in the preferences, that the tool is already installed (but given this Leopard problem, it probably should record it, when it finds 'mate' in one of the suggested installlocations).

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