On Jun 23, 2007, at 5:26 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
Not being a WP hacker, so I might be wrong, but the change was not the actual TZ info, WP never sent such info.
Yeah that is ringing a bell. I guess my memory was as rusty as I feared :)
The best is really to not send any TZ info as -0000 will still break some XML-RPC parsers.
The problem I have with this is, how do I tell that the server is a WordPress that returns ambiguous dates that happen to be GMT vs ambiguous dates that happen to be blog-local time?
It seems like a good idea that, associated with the change in behavior, there should be some change in notation.
It's a shame that the time zone info breaks parsers, since it's all part of standard ISO8601 date format.