On Mar 2, 2007, at 11:12 AM, Jacob Rus wrote:

guerom00 wrote:

To be consistent, I made myself a trigger with the shortcut Ctrl-Cmd-E for this ;)

Heh.  I did this too, several months ago :)

Another QS trigger I like:

Current Application → Menu Bar Items

Set that to run on ⌃⌘T and tell it to exclude TextMate.  Now you can use the same shortcut as in TM selects bundle items to pick menu items in any app using QS.


I've had current application > menu bound to f7 for forever. But command-control-t is brilliant!

Leopard has that ability bound up in the Help menu.
The help menu is now a spotlight-esque searchbar.
You can search for help documents and menu commands.
Then arrow down to the one you want and launch it.

The help menu bind to the otherwise useless help key where the insert key is on pc keyboards.

thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors