I'm working on a Latex document that uses a lot of complex sub- and superscripts,
so I wrote a little snippet


which is activated by the underscore key (and the corresponding thing for ^, of course).

I use this a *lot*, and it has saved my brain a lot of confusion, and my right little finger
a lot of wear and tear. But it also has a benefit that I wasn't expecting: when I've finished
typing the subscript, I can just press tab to escape from the braces, and continue with
the rest of the expression.

I find that invaluable, and I've started to get frustrated that the same thing doesn't work
with ordinary auto-completed braces, parentheses, etc. Of course I could write a snippet


and bind it to the { key, but then you don't get the nice feature that deleting the opening
brace will delete the closer as well. It would be nice to have the best of both worlds. How
about making it possible to tab out of *all* auto-paired thingies, in the way that you can
from a snippet?
