I tried to write an applescript that opens the source code of the frontmost Safari window in TextMate (that what happens when you press Cmd-Alt-U in Safari, but with TM instead of the internal viewer). So, I asked in the IRC how to open a file in TextMate via Applescript. I was told that TM does not support Applescript and I should curl the source and open that via open -a instead.

Well, this would work, but for my simple purpose, it could be done easier; I mean, we got the source already in Safari, so why start a curl download?

After some try and error, I found out that the command line tool tm is all I need:

-- Script start --
tell application "Safari"
    set mySource to the source of document 1 as string
end tell
do shell script ("echo " & quoted form of mySource & " | /usr/local/bin/tm -a")
-- Script end --

tm must be installed in /usr/local/bin to work in this script. This echos the source code into a file in /tmp and opens it in TM. I binded it to my Hotkey-App and open it via Cmd-Alt-U in Safari. Works nice.
