1. Is there a way to use the current selection for "Incremental Search" (⌃S)? It would be great to have "Use Selection for Find" (⌘E) to do the same for "Incremental Search".
2. When using the combo of "Use Selection for Find" (⌘E) and "Find All" (⌥⌘F), the file is scrolled to the last match. If you're at the top of a long file, having it scrolled to the bottom can be pretty disorienting. Is there a way to reverse this to have the file scrolled to the first match?
3. Using the same combo as before, ⌘E then ⌥⌘F, is there a shortcut for jumping through each match without deselecting the matches?
4. Is there a way to enable "Incremental Search" (⌃S) to highlight all matches as you type, instead of just the first?