Hej everyone,

I just stumbled over this:

The path to the .tex file looks like this
/Users/chris/Aka Flieg/D38/file.tex

Using “Show in TeXniscope (pdfsync)” in Textmate works but it does not the other way around. So when I cmd-click
in TeXniscope nothing happens. The console.log says:
2006-07-20 08:51:52.788 open[7515] No such file: /Users/chris/Aka Flieg/D38/txmt:/open?url=file:/'/Users/chris/Aka Flieg/D38/file.tex'&line=48

Is there a way to change the editor argument in TeXniscope ("txmt://open?url=file://%file&line=%line")?


Christoph Biela
