I am used to write scientific papers and books with LaTeX since many years, but I was working with a PC and not a Mac until recently. Hence, my knowledge on textmate is rather small, and there is a problem which I cannot fix without some friends outside in the universe. I will describe my problem step by step:

(1) My mainfile contains


what means that there will be two indices in the book, a regular one (default) and a name index.

(2) In order to generate the ind- and and-files respectively I used to run

   makeindex -o mytex.ind mytex.idx
   makeindex -o mytex.and mytex.adx

from the terminal. That will be working as well with my Mac, but it is not really comfortable.

(3) textmate offers a simple button to produce the ind-file. And now there is my problem. I would like to know how to create a textmate-command that produced the needed and-file.

Thanks for help or any advice in advance.