2008/10/23 Michael Reiner <mr@radarseven.com>--Most excellent, thanks Sven!Didn't know this functionality existed in a Terminal session!This is exactly what I needed.Now I just need to figure out how to write a simle bundle to automate the process a bit,i.e. create a bundle that will output the current file to an HTML file with the same name and in the same directory.Any insight or resources that could point me in the right direction?Try putting this in a text file:php "$1" > `dirname "$1"`/`basename "$1" php`htmlSave it under some convenient name, like do_convertcall chmod +x do_convert to make it executableand use it like:do_convert some_file.phpthat will save some_file.html in the same directory as the input file
Sven Axelsson
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