Hi all,

When trying to search a folder of .nib-files, I ran into a few problems. The files are nicely displayed in TextMate, but I cannot search the contents of the files. Whilst trying to work around it, I ran into two problems:
  1. Find > In > Open Files not available
    I opened the lot to use Find > In > Open Files, but this option is unavailable. Screenshot below. I tried opening .txt-files, and I tried creating new files, but it remains unavailable.

    Is this function available to anybody?

  2. Add file-type to TextMate
    To facilitate the opening of said files in Finder's context menu (open with), and to encourage TextMate to search their contents, I tried to associate them with TextMate. I failed.

    First I tried to add them via TextMate.app\Contents\Info.plist. This invalidated TextMate's code signing, and thus broke its connection with Keychain Access. Nor did it have the desired effect.

    Thus I reverted my actions, and tried to associate the file type via the bundle editor. I added "nib" to the Property List bundle, old style language grammar file types, reset the launch services database regarding TextMate and killed Finder.
    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -f /Applications/TextMate.app/;killall Finder;

    No luck. TextMate still does not appear in "open with", and TextMate still refuses to search their contents.

    Does anyone have a tip on how to achieve this?

By the way, to search the .nib-files, I renamed them to .txt, and chose Find in Folder. That worked. But it's a long way round.

Rasmus Malver

TextMate Find in Open Files not available