Eek. That totally makes sense. Sorry for my ignorance.

I edited a snippet, and now the folder displays.

Thank you.

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Dru Kepple <> wrote:

On Aug 16, 2010, at 10:54 AM, Buster Bluth wrote:


I just installed Textmate on OS X 10.6.4, but the disk image did not create the Textmate folder in Application Support, which is perplexing. Has anyone encountered this issue? Either way, does anyone know how I could resolve it?

Here are the steps I executed:

1. Downloaded from
2. Launched disk image
3. Dragged to my user's Application folder
4. Launched
5. Entered previously purchased license

I expect TM won't create the App Support folder until it is needed, such as when making modifications to bundle items.  You should be able just create it manually, or do something like add a snippet.


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