Hi Allan, thanks for putting so much time and effort into this! �I hope we can all live up to your expectations when we are filling it out with bundles and plugins. �:)<div><br></div><div>Obviously now is not the time to nitpick features that may change, but since you mentioned tmproj files were not planned to be supported I've got a couple of concerns: �</div>
<div><br></div><div>First off, I personally use QuickSilver for pretty much everything. �I have a big folder of tmproj files that QuickSilver indexes so any of my projects are within a few keystrokes at any point. �I'm unsure how this functionality would be replicated with 'Favorites'. �</div>
<div><br></div><div>Secondly, sometimes I'll add a separate folder or just a few other files to the project, for reference (e.g. if I'm forking something, maybe I'll keep some files from the original in there) or other situations in which I'd like to have quick access to the files. �I like the ability to group discontiguous files in the file system without actually altering the file system.</div>
<div><br></div><div>A third I just thought of: sometimes I will have 2 projects containing the same folder (and other, non-common folders), but the per-project display settings are different so I am viewing a different subset of the files. �Not sure if the current per-folder settings can accomodate that. �This one isn't very important to me but a use case nonetheless.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Just my thoughts on the subject before having actually used TM2 for any length of time. �:) �Congrats on the bundle system, by the way! �I think the built in 'Get Bundles' UI, the automatic updating, and the command dependencies are a very big win.</div>
<div><br></div><div>So...just one more question...when can we expect TextMate 3?</div><div><br></div><div>Sorry, I had to. �:)</div><div><br></div><div>Brandon</div>