<em>[I'm reposting for a <b>third</b> time, since I wasn't subscribed at first, then I reposted as a subscriber, then deleted my *accepted* post. N00b. <img class='smiley' src='http://www.nabble.com/images/smiley/anim_confused.gif' />]</em>
I created a bundle command to open a file from a repository directory, based on the selected text. It was put in the Text bundle, with no particular context.
Here's my current (working) command.
<code>open "file:///path/to/repository/volume/$TM_SELECTED_TEXT.pdf"</code><p>
This will open the PDF file with the selected filename. (I use open since I want to see the PDF in Acrobat, not TextMate.)<p>
However, now there's arbitrary (unknown) text attached to the filename, so I want to use a wildcard in this command.
I got a suggestion to use an unquoted * as a wildcard. But if AAAA is selected, this command:
<code>open "file:///path/to/repository/$TM_SELECTED_TEXT"*</code>
will open a file in Textmate named <b>AAAA*</b>, which is not what I want: I want <b>AAAA.pdf</b> and <b>AAAA-morestuff.pdf</b> to open.
Any help is appreciated.
[I originally had this question attached as a comment to a TextMate blog entry, where Allen Odegaard posted the * wildcard suggestion, but it didn't work in this context.]
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View this message in context: <a href="http://www.nabble.com/repost%3A-Command-to-open-arbitrary-files-in-TxMt-tf4815591.html#a13776524">repost: Command to open arbitrary files in TxMt</a><br>
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