Hi, I was hoping someone could point out what I'm doing wrong.<br><br>I've customized my ActionScript lanugage definition to be "Javadoc aware." I'm having trouble setting up the foldings regex (being an ActionScripter, I don't regularly use regex, so maybe that's part of the problem. Can't wait for AS3, though...).
<br><br>Here's what I have:<br><br> foldingStartMarker = '(/\*|\{\s*$|\[\s*$|\(\s*$)';<br> foldingStopMarker = '(\*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';<br><br><br>// and later...<br> { name = 'comment.javadoc.actionscript
';<br> begin = '/\*\*';<br> end = '\*/';<br> },<br><br><br>And here's what happens. I ype "/**". At this point the language definition knows that I'm in comment.javadoc. I get a downward-pointing arrow for the top of the code fold area. I've also get snippets set up to expand /** into
<br><br>/**<br> *<br> */<br><br>and return the caret to the middle line. There is a single space at the front of the bottom two lines. (I also have it set up to replace a return press with a return and an asterisk, but that's beside the point) Now, I don't get the upward-pointing arrow for the bottom of the code fold area. I just discovered that the space seems to be throwing it off. If I go back to the closing of the javadoc comment, and remove that initial space, I get code folding.
<br><br>So I tried modifying the foldingStopMarker, but with no success. Is there an easy way to do this? Am I being a moron and doing this completely the wrong way? I've tried a number of regex's:<br><br>foldingStopMarker = '(^\s*\*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';
<br>foldingStopMarker = '(\s*\*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';<br>
foldingStopMarker = '( \*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';<br>foldingStopMarker = '(^[ \t]*\*/|^\s*\]|^\s*\}|^\s*\))';<br><br>And many variations thereof, but with no luck. I may be just misunderstanding how the foldingStopMarker works in the first place, but if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be very appreciative. I like my asterisk's to line up, and I like my code folding.