[TxMt] Re: No transparency for iPlastic theme in Mojave

Allan Odgaard mailinglist at textmate.org
Sun Jun 30 20:58:28 UTC 2019

On 10 Apr 2019, at 18:51, Ronald Wampler wrote:

> I can confirm that transparency no longer works in Mojave using any 
> releases
> that are linked against the 10.14 SDK. It appears the current method 
> (setting
> the window to not be opaque and the text view to NSColor clearColor) 
> doesn't
> work now.

The problem seems to be that when linking with the 10.14 SDK, views will 
draw into their own separate layers, so we can no longer “erase” the 
background with `NSColor.clearColor` to make a subset of the window 
transparent (as we no longer erase into the shared buffer for enture 
full window).

Instead we must ensure that all ancestor views are transparent, which 
would include setting `backgroundColor` to `NSColor.clearColor` for our 
window, and then making sure that all other views in the window have an 
opaque background.

It might be doable, but a quick test showed a problem with the file 
browser, as it is using an `NSVisualEffectView`. It might work if we put 
a view behind the `NSVisualEffectView` to draw the window background, 
but I’m hesitant to pursue this, as the less assumptions we make about 
how these views work, the better.

There is the ability to use an `NSVisualEffectView` behind the text 
view, but that would be a different kind of transparency, unlikely to be 
compatible with the themes currently using alpha.
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