[TxMt] Re: Bug while rendering

Matt Neuburg matt at tidbits.com
Sun Jan 26 18:18:36 UTC 2014

It's actually worse than you state. I pasted the text into a TextMate window and hit Return at the end and TextMate crashed. m.

On Jan 26, 2014, at 9:53 AM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko <bibiko at eva.mpg.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I came across with a rendering bug,
> to reproduce it copy the following two lines and paste them into a TM document:
> 587	3	402	̃ wa:w.4	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	
> 591	3	402	kha:ŋ.4 kha:w.4	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	
> On my machine OSX 10.9.1 TM 2.0-alpha.9503 these lines are rendered as shown in that picture:
> <parsing_bug.png>
> The "problem" seems to be that TM is not able to get rid of a TAB {utf8: 09} (and I believe this's true for each CONTROL character) followed by a combing diacritic - in that case a combining tilde {utf8: CC 83}. The actual data in the TM window are correct, you can e.g. look for TAB characters. If you remove the combining tilde TM renders the text correctly.
> I'm aware that this is actually my fault since a combining character shouldn't appear after a control character and "more actually" I'm glad that TM had this bug thus I could find my fault ;) but I think TM should do it like other Mac apps e.g. TextEdit. 
> For safety reasons I attached a UTF-8 text file containing both lines.
> Cheers, Hans
> <bug.txt>
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matt neuburg, phd = matt at tidbits.com, http://www.apeth.net/matt/
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