[TxMt] Re: command return

Eric O'Brien ericob at extramonday.com
Tue Nov 16 06:48:29 UTC 2010


I just tried this myself in an html file.  For me, Control + Return  
has no visible effect.  Command + Return inserts <br />

Using the bundle chooser, I see that the second result is because of a  
snippet in the bundle "mHTML."  For me, clearly nothing to do with the  
recent update to TM.

Removing the key equivalent for that snippet restores the  
functionality of command + return.

Typing Control + Return in the bundle chooser doesn't show it  
connected to anything.  Where would that be defined, normally?



On Nov 15, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On 15 Nov 2010, at 23:04, Brad Rice wrote:
>> I updated today and now when I edit an html file if I use
>> command-return I get <br /> instead of moving my cursor to a new line
>> outside of my tag. I wish it wasn't changed. I can find that command
>> listed anywhere. Is there a way for me to get it back?
> This is a bit weird, as we did not change that.
> The <br> snippet is inserted on ⌃↩ (not ⌘↩) — sure you are  
> hitting the modifier key?
> For troubleshooting try open the bundle chooser (⌃⌘T) and switch  
> to key equivalent search (click magnify glass) then press ⌘↩ and  
> ⌃↩ to see which actions are found.

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