[TxMt] Re: Use textmate for lisp

Alex Ross z-textmate at lasersox.net
Sat Mar 13 18:59:23 UTC 2010

On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:19 PM, Rajanikanth Jammalamadaka wrote:

> Did anybody succeed in using Textmate for lisp. I get the following error when I press Apple-key + R:
> xcodebuild: Error: the directory /Users/userName does not contain an Xcode project.

TextMate's Lisp bundle is here: http://github.com/textmate/lisp.tmbundle, you can download it with the “Download Source” button near the top right of the page.  Unfortunately it doesn't include a command to run a script.  However, I'm the one to create such a command!  Could you tell me which lisp interpreter / compiler you commonly use?  Could you also provide a “Hello World” lisp program?


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