[TxMt] Re: Show Web Preview window closes on file change

Rob McBroom mailinglist0 at skurfer.com
Tue Dec 7 05:09:45 UTC 2010

On Dec 6, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

>> […] My guess is that switching files is just a more reliable way to get it to crash than modifying the document […]
> :) They share the same process, so if the Web Preview crash, it’ll take TextMate down with it.

Honestly, I wondered how it was possible for that very reason. So maybe it's not “crashing”, but I've seen the window go away while updating content. If I can reproduce consistently, I'll give more detail.

>> While we're on the subject, doesn't the Web Preview use the system's WebKit? I've noticed some differences in the way it renders some things vs. Safari.
> It is WebKit, but it might have slightly different font defaults.

It does, but that has a fairly obvious explanation (to me anyway). Specifically, I was testing some fancy transforms and transitions. I had a video playing that you could flip over like a card to see some text in a div on its back. The video flickers a lot and shows the back when it shouldn't in the web preview. In Safari, it works like you'd want. If it's the system WebKit, I'm sure there's little (if anything) you can do about it, and it's not like this is a typical use case. Just making sure.

Rob McBroom

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