[TxMt] Re: TODO bundle does not turn up TODO items in my Ruby project

W.P. McNeill billmcn at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 20:53:01 UTC 2009

Never mind.  I just figured out that TODO expects a top-level folder for the
entire project.  This works for me now.

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:22 PM, W.P. McNeill <billmcn at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a Ruby code project with several TODO comments in it.  When I run
> the TODO list command, the bundle displays an empty list.
> If I open one of the Ruby source files in the project by itself, the TODO
> bundle does list to TODO items it contains.  Presumably the Bundle doesn't
> like the way I have my project set up.  I have *.rb source files in the
> standard Ruby gem directory structure (i.e. in lib, test, bin
> subdirectories).  I manually add all files to the project (i.e. I don't have
> Textmate automatically import them.)  I have created lib, test, and bin
> groups in the project.  I have tried highlighting various collections of
> items in the sidebar when running the show TODO list command to no avail.
> Any suggestions as to what is wrong?
> --
> W.P. McNeill
> http://staff.washington.edu/billmcn/index.shtml
> Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

W.P. McNeill
Sent from Seattle, WA, United States
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