[TxMt] Re: Codesearch

Allan Odgaard mailinglist at textmate.org
Tue Jan 6 03:22:55 UTC 2009

On 2 Jan 2009, at 15:50, Andrea Crotti wrote:

> [...]
> lang = environ['TM_MODE'].lower()
> [...]
> It works fine, do you see any possible "problem"?

Other than use of the deprecated TM_MODE, no. But in your case the use  
seems justified, I’ll have to re-evaluate scrapping that variable.

> Could I maybe use the browser integrated inside Textmate?? How to  
> call it
> directly?

Simply set your command to have HTML output, and it’ll open the  
“browser” with your commands output as content. What you want is then  
to have your command output a <meta> tag with a redirect to the actual  
page (i.e. the Google search URL).

> Another little thing:
> I read on the dev guide that I should modify directly bundles and  
> the svn
> diff to view my changes.
> Actually I'm not doing like that but I have all my changes in the  
> "normal"
> directory.
> How is better to do to propose changes or some new features to bundles
> mainatainers?

If you have a patch to submit, then see http://wiki.macromates.com/Bundles/HowToContribute

If you have suggestions (no code) then write your suggestion here or  
at the ##textmate IRC channel.

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