[TxMt] new bundle from Sweave and markdown

baptiste auguie bapt_4510 at yahoo.fr
Sun May 25 13:44:10 UTC 2008

Hi textmates,

A while ago I was asking about mixing R and markdown in a similar way Sweave uses LaTeX to document R codes. It turns out the "brew" package (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-packages/2007/000327.html) can make this very easy: any text outside markers in the document is unprocessed by R and returned unchanged, while R code chunks inside some special tags is run by R (creating graphics, etc...). This combined with Multimarkdown provides a very powerful workflow (by-passing the latex syntax and long compilation time I find overly intruding in Sweave).

Obviously, I'd love to have a custom syntax highlighting to go with this new approach. It would be heavily based on Sweave's bundle, with only a few differences:

1) Multimarkdown is to be used as the normal text syntax (conditional syntax highlighting and commands)

2) the "@" and "<< >>" delimiters are now replaced by "<%" 

( 3) instead of calling latex, the perl script for multimardown could be used )

I've tried to tweak the Sweave bundle, but I don't really understand the code to be honest: i think i was too naive in thinking that changing sweave to "breweave" and text.tex.latex to text.html.markdown.multimarkdown everywhere could work.

Is there some sort of guidelines I should follow to modify the Sweave bundle? Would this be fairly doable by a novice in Ruby and TM macros?

Best regards,


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