[TxMt] Re: Documentation of osx/plist.bundle -- and in general

Daniel Sadilek d.sadilek at gmx.net
Sun Apr 13 15:46:29 UTC 2008


saving the theme file works. But now I'm stuck with the next problem.  
Telling TextMate to reload the bundles with
osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'
does not cause it to reload the current theme. Even locating the theme  
file in Finder and double clicking it does not help. I have to restart  
TextMate :(.
Is there any way to tell TextMate to reload the (current) theme.

Best regards
Daniel Sadilek

Am 13.04.2008 um 17:26 schrieb Daniel Sadilek:
> Hello everybody,
> as nobody answered my question regarding "Configuring syntax  
> highlighting programmatically", I suppose there is no easy/standard  
> way to programmatically configure syntax highlighting. Therefore, I  
> will try to modify the syntax highlighting file and the current  
> theme file programmatically and then tell TextMate to reload them.  
> While searching how to do this, I found OSX::PropertyList.load to  
> read property lists and after asking google I also found that there  
> is a function OSX::PropertyList.dump. However, finding this  
> information was more or less fortune.
> Is there a central place where I can search for TextMate  
> documentation for bundle developers? How was I supposed to find out  
> about OSX::PropertyList.dump?
> Best regards
> Daniel Sadilek

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