[TxMt] TMTOOLS & Ctrl-Esc (gear menu)

Hans-Joerg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Wed Nov 14 09:37:56 UTC 2007

On 14 Nov 2007, at 02:03, Roberto Saccon wrote:
> Hans-Jörg, thanks for our explanations.
> Ok, I understand now that I should only use it for private purposes.
>> Regarding to your Erlang enhancements: What do you want to improve by
>> using TMTOOLS? Maybe, there are other ways.
> This is what I would use TMTOOLS for:
> 1) after having parsed compiler error output, highlight the region of
> the error and move  caret there

Well, AFAIK the error output of Erlang is something like:

./test.erl:5: syntax error before:foo

I suppose you will output the error messages in an HTML window. To  
jump to a given file and a given line you can use TextMate's URL scheme.

see at http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/ 
using_textmate_from_terminal section 21.2

Each error would be written as an HTML link à la: <a href="txmt:// 
open/?url=file://./test.erl&line=5">test.erl:5: syntax error  

You wrote "...highlight the region of the error ...". This would mean  
you have a specific range. But AFAIK one only gets the line number.  
Or am I wrong?

> 2) source code manipulation such as refactoring,  based on AST

Which TMTOOLS function do you would need for that?



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